Courses published in SharePoint

This section will explain what a course looks like to the end user on SharePoint and the functionalities that can be performed.

After you have made a course public on the Microlearning , automatically in SharePoint a folder containing the course will be created.

The course can be viewed by going on SharePoint, clicking on "Site pages" and then clicking on the "Microlearning" folder.

Once you click on the Microlearning folder, you will be able to view the list of the folders containing all the courses created on the tool.

You will be able to find the desired course by looking at the creation date on the right.

If the course on the Microlearning has been translated into several languages, a folder in Sharepoint will be created for each language. In this case, once you selected the folder of the desired course, you will see different folders corresponding to the different languages.

After cliking on the desired course, a panel like this will open in your screen.

In the left column you can see the number and the type of lessons as shown in the image below:

You can see the type of lesson (Text, Bullet Points, Quiz, Flashcard) at the right side of the lessons’ name through the given icons:

After completing all the lessons of the course, the user can take the Final Quiz. The Final Quiz is marked to the user as the last lesson of the course as in the following picture.

At the end of the Final Quiz, if you had originally set a minimum percentage to be achieved to pass the test, the user will see the points he or she has achieved and whether he or she has passed the test. Also, if you gave the option to be able to try it multiple times, in case of failure the user will be able to take the Final Quiz multiple times.

Document-created courses

In document-created courses there is an extra function which is the conversational search bar. Basically you can ask a question to the tool to get an answer. The question must be related to the content of the course and must echo information in the document.


Source of the Lesson:

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