How to interact with the Actions

In this page all the features that can be performed once the course is created will be explained.

Once you finished all the course editing operations, you can also have other options to select simply by going to the top right of the screen under the "Actions" box.

Here you have several buttons such as:

  1. New Lesson

  2. Configure

  3. Schedule

  4. Publish

  5. Generate final quiiz

  6. Clone

  7. Export in SCORM

  8. Delete learning

New Lesson

By clicking on this button, you can either add a lesson from scratch or from another document.

Only when you choose to create a lesson from an existing document there is the option to deepen the topics by creating new lessons from certain chapters of the document itself.

By clicking on the button "From document" if it is a Word document you will be able to select the lesson type and the chapter to use to create the new lesson.

If it is a PDF document you will be able to choose the type of the lesson and the pages to use to create the new lesson.

Then, after the changes have been made, one must click on "Generate" to create the new course with the applied changes.


By clicking this button, you have two options:

  • Course options

  • Language options

With the Course option you can change the name and the description of the course.

With the Language option you can add a new language to the course.

Configure- how to add languages to the course

If you click on "Language options" you can add new languages to your course.

First, you have to select from the list the new language.

Only one new language at time can be entered, otherwise the translation will not be generated.

After you added a new language, you can click on the button "save" to start the translation of the course. If you want to make visible the new language on SharepPoint to the end users, you have to remember to flag the button at the left side of the language's name.

You can check that the new language has been added by entering the course and clicking on the option "Change language" above on the right.

Once the translations are generated, any changes made in the main course i.e. the one created at the beginning will not be automatically applicated also in the courses with the respective translations , but will have to be made manually.

There is also a third option which will be activated only after creating the Final Quiz ( explained in the next paragraph). This option is called “Quiz options” and offers two possibilities:

  1. Passing score: that is, setting a minimum passing percentage for the course.

eg. If you set 70% the user will have to perform 70% of the correct answers otherwise he/she will not pass the final quiz.

  1. Multiple attempts: which if flagged allows the end user to repeat the Final Quiz multiple times.

Generate Final Quiz

Once you choose this option, the tool will generate the Final Understanding Check Quiz which is a final check to see if the user has understood the general topic, all the course topics are entered and questions are asked about those topics.

If you want to see the Final Quiz, you simply have to enter the course page, click on "Actions" on the upper right corner and you will be able to see a new option named “View Quiz".

After clicking on that button, you will be able to see all the final questions generated by the Quiz.

You will have the ability to edit and add questions as you wish.


This activity is to be selected once the course is published. This schedule allows you to assign a course to someone. To do so we have to select: the recipient(s), the start date of the course, the time of the course, and the frequency (how often to send a lesson to the recipient(s) through push notifications on Teams).

Once the asignee is entered we dece remember to click the “send” button otherwise the course will not be assigned to the selected user.

Once the schedule is entered there is also the option to pause it through the “stop” button, which allows a course to be transformed from “running” to “draft.”

You also have the ability to edit a schedulig or delete it by clicking the respective buttons : “edit” and “delete”.

Publish, Unpublish and Delete Learning

Draft course

When the course is in Draft you have two options:

  • Publish : when you publish a course you make it public on SharePoint so that users can use it.

  • Delete Learning : if you want to delete a course still in draft you can do so via this button.

Published course

When a course is published you can no longer delete it, in fact you will see that the “Delete learning” option is turned off. If you want to delete a published course you must first click on “Unpublished,” by doing so the course will return to Draft and you will be able to delete it.


Export in SCORM

With this option you can export a course to another LSM platforms.

If you click on this button, the following screen will open:

Here you have several options:

  • Scorm version: you can choose the Scorm version between 1.2, 2004 3rd Edition and 2004 4th Edition.

  • Audio: you can decide to export courses with or without audio by flagging the option or not.

  • Languages: you can decide to include all languages in the export or not by flagging the option or not.

If you decide not to include all the languages there is the option to choose from the desired languages.

Once you have finished the selection tasks remember to click “export.”

Last updated