Microlearning Structure explanation

How to use this AI Tool efficiently? Here is an explanation that will help you use the Micro-Learning Tool more quickly and effectively

First, two macro Areas are provided in the Tool.

The Course Page where course created are shown and being made available to the users

On the Courses page, on the left, we will find a bar with three types of courses:

  • Company learnings, created by the company

  • My learnings, individual courses of the users

  • Running learnings, courses that have already been published and that workers are taking

We will also find two buttons:

-a plus button that will allow us to create new courses.

-a settings button that will allow us to change some settings of the course. At the end of this paragraph you will find all the information needed to use this function.

The Generation page where the courses are created

In this page you will be able to introduce a new course. You can choose to create a new course through two different ways:

1.Starting from a given document, in other words uploading a given document

2.Starting from scratch, with this option you can create the lessons from zero, that is, without loading an already preexisting document

The settings page where the course's settings can be modified

If you click on the settings button, the following page will appear:

Specifically, two features are available:

  • SCORM settings : is the first feature and gives you the opportunity to export the course to another LMS tool through SCORM by clicking on the "SCORM settings" button.

If you click on "SCORE settings" you will be able to enter the LSM domain where you want to export the course you created. It is important to enter the domain as otherwise the course cannot be displayed in the new LSM.

Once you write the new domain remember always to click “add” and then "save".

If you want to delete a domain once entered just click on “delete” .

  • Course settings: is the second feature and allows you to customize and manage your course categories and preferences.

If you click on "Course settings" you will be able to see all the categories already entered in the tool and you will have the opportunity to enter new ones.

To enter a new category, simply type the category title on the “new category” box and then click “add.”

If you want to delete an already entered category just click “delete.”

Last updated