Course details

In this section, you will learn more about the features of the single course and all the actions that you can do on it!

Course Interface

Once the course has been created, to view and edit it simply go to the "Company Learnings" area and click above the course name.

Once you enter a specific course, you will find the following interface: in the upper left corner, you can see the course title and, next to it, the course status.

Click here to discover more about course status.

If the course was created from a document, in the top center, there is a banner with the following sentece: " The content generated by the AI may not be correct, check the output of the pills generated from your document" this is to advise you to check the lessons once created by the tool". In this case, AI is very helpful since it helps us speed up processes that would otherwise take much longer but nevertheless it cannot replace humans. Therefore, it is our advice to always double-check the course once it has been created to make sure that the information has been interpreted in the correct way.

Activities for every single lesson

The lessons are located inside a box. All of them have a title, an "Edit" button and a "Delete" button.

In the upper right corner there is a button with an "i". If you hover over it with your cursor, you will see the last time the course was edited with the date and time it was edited.

In addition, in lessons where the audio type has been selected, the audio play can also be viewed.

In the upper left corner, you can view two main buttons:

  1. Change Language: which allows you to view the course in the language(s) that have been chosen for translation.

If you want to discover more about course translations click here.

  1. Actions: which is the main button on this page and allows the user to perform various actions on the course. Please find below how to interact with the several actions available.

How to interact with the Actions

By clicking on the “Actions” button, on the top right of each course that has been generated, you can choose between several features.

The features are as follows:

  1. New Lesson (from document and from scratch)

  2. Configure

  3. Schedule

  4. Publish/Unpublish and Delete learning

  5. (Generate) final quiz

  6. Clone

  7. Export in SCORM

New Lesson

After having created your course, you can either add a new lesson from scratch or from a document.

Click here to discover more about how to add new lessons and their differences.


By clicking on this button, you have initially two options:

  • Course options

  • Language options

With the Course option, you can change the name and the description of the course.

With the Language option, you can add a new language to the course.

Configure - Language options

If you click on "Language options" you can add new languages to your course.

Click here to discover more on how to translate your course.

Configure- Final Quiz options

If you decide to create the Final quiz, a third option will also appear in the configurations panel. This option is called “Quiz options” and, if you click on it, you have two features:

  1. Passing score: allows you to set a minimum passing percentage to pass the course.

If you set 70% the users will have to perform 70% of the correct answers. Otherwise, they will not pass the final quiz.

  1. Multiple attempts: if flagged, it allows the end users to repeat the Final Quiz multiple times until succeeding.

Find below the chapter explaining how to generate the final quiz.


This activity is to be selected once the course is published.

This schedule allows you to assign a course to people or groups in the Company. To do so, we have to select: the recipient(s), the start date of the course, the time of the course, and the frequency (how often to send a lesson to the recipient(s) through push notifications on Teams).

which allows the schedule status to be switched from “running” to “draft.”

You can also edit a scheduling or delete it by clicking the respective buttons: “edit” and “delete”.

If you click on "Edit" the user who had been placed in the "Recipients" will return to the "Assignees". So, it will be possible to moificare the start of the course assignment, date, time zome and attendance.

If you click on "delete" the person will be directly deleted from the “Assignees” and therefore will not receive course notifications.

Publish/Unpublish and Delete Learning

Draft Course

When the course is in Draft, you have two options:

  • Publish: when you publish a course, you make it public on SharePoint, so that users can use it.

  • Delete Learning: if you want to delete a course still in draft you can do so clicking on this button. It is important to highlight that once the course is deleted, it cannot be recovered

Published course

When a course is published, you can no longer delete it, in fact you will see that the “Delete learning” option is turned off. If you want to delete a published course, you must first click on “Unpublished,” by doing so the course will return to Draft and you will be able to delete it or publish it again.

This extra step has been designed because, if the course is public, it means that end users can see it in SharePoint and can take it. To avoid inconsistencies, instead of deleting it directly, it is turned back to draft and therefore no longer visible to end users.

Generate final quiz

After having checked the lessons of the course there is the possibility to create the Final Quiz to verify that the final users have correctly understood and assimilated all the notions.

Click here to discover how to create the Final Quiz.


With this option, you can clone a course within the tool. If you click on “Clone” the tool will proceed to copy the course and its lessons and the copy will be marked on the Company courses page, with the word “Clone” preceding the course name to indicate which of the two courses is the cloned.

Export in SCORM

With this option, you can export a course to another LMS platforms.

Click here to know more about how to export a course in your LMS.

Last updated