Course status

In this section, you will learn more about the status of a course and their meaning

In general, there are four major Courses Status which are: Draft, Publishd, Running and Error. Course generated uploading a document have three more status which are: Starting, Generating and Finalizing.

List of the main status

Both courses created from scratch and courses genereated from a document have four major status:

  1. Draft: once the course has been created, it will appear immediately on the main page under the status "Draft". In this Status, the course is still not published and , as the name suggests, is still a draft. It can be modified before being made public on SharePoint. In this way, the necessary changes can be made before it is published and enjoyed by end users.

  1. Published: when a course is in this status, it means that it has been published by the author. This means that it is now public on SharePoint and can be accessible by end users. Starting from now, you’ll be able to:

  • Assign the course to those who should attend it:

  • Link the course to a dedicated area of your SharePoint Intranet

If you want to discover more about the Publish action of an approved draft course click here.

  1. Running: after being published, a course can be assigned to the different users via the scheduling action. Once the course has been assigned, the status will change to Running and the recipients will receive notifications on Teams reminding them to take the course. When the course is in Running, it cannot be directly deleted. To delete it, the scheduling must be stopped, in this way the course will return to its previous status (Published) and then it can be first “Unpublished" and then delete through the button “Delete learning”.

  1. Error: sometimes it may happen that the course appears under the status of Error. In this case, the course cannot be accessed. This happens in most cases when the information requested is not filled in correctly. For this reason, it is very important to take great care when filling in the information required when creating a new course. In case this happens, don't panic, just try to create the course again and fill in the fields correctly and you will be successful!.

Additional status (only for courses generated "by a document")

Click here if you want to know how to create a course uploading a document

Courses generated uploading a document have three more status in addition to those listed above. In fact, before going under the “Dratf” status, they will switch under the following status:

  1. Starting: this is the first state of a course generated from a document. At this stage, the tool extracts information from the text and chapters of the document. The duration of the status depends on the length of the document and how many chapters there are in the document.

  1. Generating: this is the second stage of a course created from a document. In this stage, the tool proceds with the generation of the lessons using OpenAI. The duration depends on how many lessons need to be created. If you drag the mouse arrow over the status, you will see the percentage of course creation.

e.g. 33% means that the tool has begun to generate the course

  1. Finalizing: this is the last stage in the creation of a course from a document and, as the name suggests, it is the last moment of scanning the document to work out the last details of the course lessons. In addition, all necessary information for conversational searching is entered into the search index.

During all three status, the course is inaccessible. Once you upoad the document and click on "generate" you will see that the status of the course will change into the following pattern: "Starting", "Generating" and "Finalizing". When the tool has finished creating the course, the status will change to ‘Draft’ and you will be able to click on it to check it. It will then be up to the single person to publish the course and assign it to someone.

Last updated