Use cases

Our Acknowledgement tool has a wide range of use cases across various industries and organizational needs. Here are some of the potential use cases.

Our Acknowledgement tool is essential for ensuring that crucial documents are not only distributed efficiently but also acknowledged by the intended recipients. Below you can find a number of use cases, categorized by purpose:

Human Resources and Training

  • Onboarding documentation. Distribute onboarding materials (such as company policies, handbooks and procedures) to new hires and ensure they have been read.

  • Training materials. Distribute educational materials (such as slides and manuals) and ensure that employees complete training.

  • HR documents. Notify employees of changes in HR policies, such as updates on leave policies or employee benefits, and ensure acknowledgment.


  • Compliance documents. Share compliance documents and request acknowledgment to ensure all employees are aware of and comply with company regulations.

  • Policy updates. Distribute internal policy updates, such as changes to the company’s code of conduct, and confirm that all employees have read them.

IT and Security

  • Cybersecurity policies. Notify employees of IT security policies, phishing awareness, and best practices for data protection.

General Document Management

  • Health and safety protocols. Distribute safety guidelines and emergency procedures to employees.

  • Project documentation. Share project charters, scope documents, or timelines with project team members to confirm their understanding of project requirements.

  • Other. Notify and track acknowledgment of updates to any critical internal documents.

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