Translate a course

In this section, you will discover how to translate a course in more languages


Once you are done in creating a course, you can decide to enable translations. This allows you to make your course more accessible to your international colleagues.

Please note that we highly recommend creating the translations once you are sure that the original course is complete. In fact, once the course is translated, if you enter other information in the original course, then in the translated version the changes will not be read automatically by the tool, but will have to be added manually.

Add a new language

After the course is created it can be automatically translated into more than 40 languages. In order to translate a course, it is necessary to enter the course itself, click on the "Actions" button in the upper right corner, and then subsequently the "Configure" button.

After, a panel like the following will open:

If you click on the "Language options" tab, you can add new languages to your course. First, you must select from the list the new language. Then, click on the “Add” button.

You can translate only one language at a time. That said, if your course is in Italian and you want to translate it in English and German, you should do it once at a time, first adding English and clicking on “Save” and then after the generation is completed proceeding to replicate the same steps with German. After having added a language, you can click on “save” to start the translation process.

Remember that the Final Quiz, if given, will also be automatically translated.

Translation verification

After the translation is initiated, it is important to do a review of the translation to check that the information has been translated as we desired and make changes if needed.

To access a course translation, it is necessary to enter the course and then click on the "Change language" button at the top right, click on the desired language, and proceed with the check.

As also stated in the previous chapter, once a course has been translated, subsequent changes of in a course to a specific language will not be automatically applied to the other languages in the course. They will therefore have to be added manually.

Once the translations are generated, any changes made to the main course, i.e. the one created at the beginning, will not be automatically applied to the courses with the respective translations, but will have to be made manually. That said, our suggestion is to generate the translations once we are satisfied with the first one, in order to limit several corrections as much as possible.

Translation status management

To make the course usable for end users in the translated languages, you have to remember to flag the button at the left side of the language's name. If you flag it, the translation in the chosen language will be visible on SharePoint; whereas if you do not flag it the translation will not be available in SharePoint but just in the Microlearning app.

Course details translation

When you choose to translate a course into other languages, course details such as Course Name and Course Description are also translated. Just check them by entering the course, clicking on the top right on "Actions" and then on "Configure."

Under "Course options" we could see both the course title and the translated description.

Please remember that when you translate a course that has also a Final Quiz, the Final Quiz will be automatically translated.

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