Create a course uploading a document

In this section, you will learn how to create a course uploading a document in the tool


Our Microlearning tool allows you to generate courses starting from Word or PDF files. In you upload the document, thanks to the AI, the tool reads the information contained in the document itself and generates a course according to it.

Based on the type of document you' will upload, the tool has specific generation rules.

Click here to know more about the generation rules of a course.

Upload the document

If you choose to create a course uploading a document, you have to remember that the tool reads only horizontally, so from left to right. This means that:

  • If there are tables in the document with information that should be read horizontally, the tool will read them correctly.

  • If there are tables in the document with information that should be read vertically, the tool may read the encoded information incorrectly.

Word Files must be saved in "docx" format. For now, the tool only supports docx/pdf and PowerPoint format, other extensions (like doc) are not supported as the extraction type changes depending on the format.

If you want to create a course from a Power Point Presentation or an Excel File, you have to remember to save it as a PDF first and that:

  • In the courses created from a Power Point Presentation, the images will not be considered. If you want to add them, please remember to add them to the course itself a second time.

  • In the courses created from an Excel File, the information may not be correct since Excel consists of tables, you will have to overproof that the dates are written correctly.

To have a clearer and more linear structure of the lessons, it is recommended to choose Word (docx) type documents as these types of documents are divided in chapters and the tool reads each chapter and the content under the chapter itself; whereas in PDFs this process does not happen, and the tool reads the whole page instead of each individual chapter.

After having clicked on “Uploading a document”, you need to enter several information such as:

  • The title, this is compulsory, and it corresponds to the title of the lesson.

  • The Description, which is a short description of the course.

  • The Category allows you to summarize in one word what the course will be about. The tool allows you to select pre-existing categories, for example: company safety, company quality, people, company procedures etc. Nonetheless, you can also add new categories.

Click here to discover how to add new categories.

  • The Document language which is the language of the document and the language in which the course will be generated.

  • The Number of lessons you can decide whether to enter the number of pages you like to add or you can let the algorithm choose through the "Let AI Choose" option.

Click here to discover more about the number of lessons generation.

  • The type of lesson this choice includes Text, Text with Listed Points, Interactive Quiz and/or Flashcard. It is recommended to select all the types of lessons because in this case the course will have all the four types of lessons and therefore it will be more diversified and interactive.

  • Advanced options where you must specify for Word documents the corporate styles used; and for PDFs the pages selected for generation.

If the uploaded document is a Word document, in this field you have to write the custom styles of the document.

Click here to discover more about how to specify the Custom chapter style of a Word document.

If the uploaded document is a PDF, you can select the pages from which the tool has to generate the course.

Click here if you want to know more about how to select the pages of a PDF's document.

Choose the number of lessons

If you have no preferences or restrictions in selecting the number of lessons, it is recommended to use the "Let AI choose" option. The tool works through algorithms that go to analyze the uploaded document and based on the density of the information and the length of the document, it creates the most appropriate number of lessons. Also, it creates lessons containing all the information available in the document. On the other hand, if one chooses to create a preestablished number of lessons, such as 20, but the uploaded document is relatively short, there is a risk that the tool will repeat lessons with similar information because the input given is discordant with the document provided.

Preliminary actions for courses generated from Word files

If the document chosen to create the course is a Word, it is important that, before uploading it to Microlearning, the Word is properly formatted. What does this mean? There are two options:

1) format it with existing Word styles.

2) format it with custom Word styles if you already have your own company styles

Remember that if the document has been formatted with the styles given by Word, there is no need to specify them when uploading the Word document; on the other hand, if you formatted the Word document with custom styles of the company you have to specify them when uploading the document.

How to take the name of a custom style in Word

In order to take the name of the custom style, you need to go to the Word file Home area, then click on the desired style and right-click:

Then click "Modify" and copy the name.

Afterwards, you will have to paste the name of the style in the "Custom chapter style", available in the Advanced Options, as explained above in this section.

Last updated