Enjoy the course
In this section, you will learn how to take the course on SharePoint and all the features you can use
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In this section, you will learn how to take the course on SharePoint and all the features you can use
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As previously said in the “Publish” chapter of this manual, once you publish the course on the Microlearning platform, it will also be visible on SharePoint.
Click here to see how to view the course on SharePoint
After clicking on the desired course, a panel like this will open in your screen.
In the left column you can see the number and the type of lessons as shown in the image below:
On the right you can see and interact with the lesson.
Click on this button in the upper left corner to see the title of the lessons and the type of lessons as shown in the image below.
After completing all the lessons of the course, the user can take the Final Quiz.
The Final Quiz is marked to the user as the last lesson of the course as in the following picture.
At the end of the Final Quiz, if the admin had originally set a minimum percentage to be achieved to pass the test, the user will see the points they have achieved and whether they have passed the test. Also, if you give the option to be able to try it multiple times, in case of failure the user will be able to take the Final Quiz multiple times.
Remember that the layout is the same also when you export the course in another LMS.
You can see the type of lesson (Text, Bullet Points, Quiz, Flashcard) at the right side of the lessons’ name through the given icons:
1) Bullet Points: it has three elements which are: the title which corresponds to the title of the lesson; the Introduction which is compulsory and gives the opportunity to have a little introduction to the lessons' topic and the list of bullet points where you have to add the bullet points.
2) Flashcards: it has four elements: the title which is compulsory, and it corresponds to the title of the lesson; the question which is compulsory and is the question you want to pose to the user; the answer which is compulsory and is the answer to the question and the explanation, also compulsory, explaining the correct answer.
3) Text: it has three elements: which are: audio only which is optional and allows you to have only the audio without the text; title of the lesson which is compulsory, and it corresponds to the title of the lesson and the description of the lesson where you must put the explanation of the lesson. This is going to be the paragraph.
4) Quiz : it consists of four elements: the title which is compulsory, and it corresponds to the title of the lesson; the Question which is compulsory and is the question you want to pose to the user; the Answers which you must enter to test the user knowledge and the correct answer explanation which is compulsory, and it is an explanation of the correct answer.
Clcik here to view the final layout of the lessons.
If the course has been created starting from a document, it’s possible to check the source of the document where the information has been taken. This is possible thanks to two functionalities inside the course lesson:
1. The conversational search, available on the top center of the course
2. The quote button, available in each lesson
The question must be related to the content of the course and must include information in the document. The question can be asked in a conversational way and, likewise the answer is given in a conversational way. Also in the answer, in square brackets, are the quotas of the document from where the information was extracted.
To complete a lesson and mark it as completed, it is necessary to click the button at the bottom right “Got it".
This button does not always appear immediately, as this depends on the type of lesson you’re attending. For example, for the quiz lessons you must select an answer first. Or also, for the flashcard lessons you must scroll the carousel until the last card before viewing the “Got it” button.
Please remember that if there is a Final Quiz in the course, users will only be able to access it if all the lessons are completed and marked as such.
If the course was created from a document, the feature called conversational research will be presented. By clicking on the search bar marked in the image, you will be able to ask a question asking for information about the course, clearly the question must be inherent to the information in the document.
Example of conversational research:
It is recommended to be as precise as possible when asking a question to the tool.
If you click on the icon marked in the image you will be able to see from where in the document the tool pulled the information to answer the question.
To change the course language in SharePoint, simply click in the upper right on the arrow next to the current language, and a drop-down will open with all the languages in which the translation was done. Just choose the one you want to change the language of the course and be able to do it.
Please remember that if you export your course with SCORM, the layout of the course will be the same as the above one.
If you want to enlarge or shrink the content of the lessons, click on the following buttons in the upper right corner.
By clicking on the following button , you will be able to copy the lesson content.
Once you complete a lesson, you can click in the following button in the lower right corner , in this way SharePoint will record which lessons you have taken of the course. This gives us the opportunity to stop the course and complete it later, starting from where you left off.
Also, in document-created courses there is an option which gives you the opportunity to trace back to the source of the lesson by clicking the inverted commas .