Alerts and service communications

The component that highlights the most important communications on every page of the SharePoint intranet.

What are Alerts and service communications

Alert is a banner showing important messages and service communications. It provides visibility to the most important news by pinning them on every page of the SharePoint intranet and following users during navigation.

They may refer to all the employees or specific groups of people. Also, it integrates with Teams Push Notifications to ensure maximum reception.

Explore the advantages of Alerts by clicking here to learn more.

Add a new Alert to the SharePoint intranet

  • In order to create an Alert, the first step is to log in with your Microsoft 365 account.

  • Once the home page of your Intranet is visible, please click on the gear icon, which is located on the top right of the page.

  • Then please click the Site contents link.

  • Open the list named Corporate Messages.

  • Please click the New button, on the top left of the page. A pop up will appear showing the fields to be filled.

Alert information

A pop up will appear on the right side of the page, with the following fields:

The fields marked with (*) are mandatory

  • Title*: the name of the message. This also refers to the object of the alert to be shown to Intranet population.

  • Message*: a longer text explaining what the object refers to, providing more details and information. Here you can put bolds, italics, hyperlinks, bullet points.

  • Destination Group: This field is not mandatory since, once you leave it a blank space, you’d send the message to everyone. If you need a specific group to exclusively receive this message, you can tap the name of this group and only users belonging to that group will receive the notification and see the message.

The destination groups are Security Groups that you previously created via your Azure AD.

  • To publish*: this box allows people to see the banner in your Intranet. If this box is not flagged, the message will remain as a draft.

  • Expiration for Intranet*: the date the banner will disappear from the Intranet.

  • Notification date: this field is not mandatory, but once you set a date on it, every employee will receive a notification on their Teams. If you leave it blank, the notification date will correspond to the publishing date.

  • Disable notification: if this box is flagged, the previous voice (Notification date) won’t be active and users won't receive any notification in Teams. If you leave it unflagged, people will receive the notification.

If you want to discover how to configure our Bot Notification click here.

  • Color: This field is not mandatory: if you leave it empty, the default color will be based on the site's graphic chart. To modify the alert color, please insert the hexadecimal codes of the requested color in the field. Do not put the hashtag in the Color area, only put hex code.

For example: FF0000, 0000FF, 009900, FFFF00...

  • Publish date for the intranet: this field allows you to publish a corporate message on a different day, so you can schedule it. If you leave it blank, this date will correspond to the creation of the corporate message.

Please note: once you have completed all the information, be aware that if you click on Save and you have not: flagged the Disable notification field; set a date different from the publication date and set a notification date different from the publication date, the notification will be sent on Teams, and the message will be visible on the intranet.

On multilingual intranets, an additional Language field can be activated. This allows you to publish multiple linguistic versions of a corporate message. The following example shows three translations of the same alert, with the corresponding language tag inserted in the Language field.

To fill in the Language field, please click the tag icon.

In the Select: Language panel, take the following steps:

  • Select the correct language tag;

  • Press the Select >> button;

  • Click Ok.

Remember to save any changes you make to the list item by clicking the Save button.

Please note: you can publish only one alert at a time. When you publish a new Corporate Message, it replaces the previous one.

Last updated