Job Posting

The dedicated HR department area to promote open positions and highlight internal talent.

What is Job Posting?

Job Posting is the dedicated area on the SharePoint intranet for HRs, who can use this feature to promote open positions and highlight internal talent.

Job Posting helps quickly find ideal candidates for open positions and identify the skills needed for the company's continued growth.

Users can easily apply for open positions in the company by filling in the job application in the web part. The Job Posting area offers them opportunities for career advancement or changing their roles within the company.

The web part has a double display: by clicking on a published position, the user will be able to read all the requirements for the job position. By clicking on Apply, he/she can then fill in the fields prepared by the HR department to complete the application. Once he/she has finished filling in, he/she can send the application and it will be registered automatically.

Job Posting integrates with My Profile, enabling users to apply for open positions using their personal SharePoint intranet profiles.

Explore the advantages of Job Posting by clicking here to learn more.

Add the Job Posting web part to a SharePoint page

  • If your page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page.

  • Click on it and, in the web part search box, enter Job to quickly find and select the Job Posting web part.


List and field settings

In this section, you need to enter the url of the site where the job posting lists were created, generally coinciding with the intranet site.

  • If you're not in edit mode already, click Edit at the top right of the page.

Enter the site URL: in this section, you need to enter the url of the intranet site.

Select the jobs list: in this section, you need to select the list called Job advertisements.

Select the job applications list: in this section, you need to select the list called Job applications.

Then, by clicking on Open filter configurator, you can configure the fields you want to display on the Job Posting web part. These are filters that can help you search for a job offer faster.

View settings

This setting allows you to change the layout of the display of the web part.

If the web part has been placed on the home page, you can use the widget size option, which allows you to have a compact view of the web part. Then, you can enter the url of the page dedicated to job posting. In this way there will be a cross-reference to the page and the user will be able to view the job offers in the full size web part on the dedicated page.

Insert the url to the page where the app is displayed in full size: you can insert the url of the page dedicated to job posting.

Widget size: the widget size option consists in a compact view of the web part. It is advisable if the web part has been placed on the home page or on another page where you do not want it to take up too much space.

Full size: it is advisable if the web part has been placed on a page dedicated exclusively to job posting.

Number of job offers to load: here you can choose the number of job advertisements to load.

For example, if you enter number 10, at first the page will display ten offers; when you click on the Load more button, ten more offers will be shown.

By entering an unrealistically high number (e.g., 999), all the offers will be shown.

General settings

This section allows you to set job offer fields such as job title, position description, start date and more.

  • If you're not in edit mode already, click Edit at the top right of the page.

By clicking on Open filter configurator, you can configure the fields you want to display in the job advertisement. These fields are contained in the Job advertisements list.

Choose Fields: choose the field you want to show.

Insert field custom name: enter the name you want to show that corresponds to the field.

Do you want to show this field in the detail section?: if you flag this option, the field will be included in the detail section, i.e., a box containing a complete description of the position.

Do you want to show this field in the card?: if you flag this option, the field will be included in the preview card, which displays the most important information on the position. You just need to click on this card to open the detail section, where you can read more detailed information on the job offer.

When you are done, click on Save and go back to the main configuration panel to set further options.

Do you want to show attachments?: this option gives you the possibility to make visible any attachments that have been included in the job offer.

Write the message you want to be displayed when the job application is sent correctly: this option gives you the possibility to write a personalized message that will be visible to the applicant when sending the application.

Order setting

This option gives you the possibility to choose the field by which you want to sort the job advertisements in the web part.

For example, they can be sorted by disciplinary area, start date and so on.

Job applications settings

This section allows you to configure the fields to be filled in on the application.

By clicking on Open filter configurator, you can configure the fields you want to display in the job application. These fields are contained in the Job applications list.

Choose Fields: choose the field you want to show.

Insert field custom name: enter the name you want to show that corresponds to the field.

When you are done, click on Save and go back to the main configuration panel to set further options.

Enable CV request?: this option allows you to ask the candidate to attach their CV. If you activate this option, it will be requested and mandatory; if you leave the option deactivated it will not be requested.

The Job Advertisements list

In order to create a new Job Advertisement, a few steps are required, which are listed below:

  • Access the Site contents by clicking on the Settings icon, which is located on the top right of your Intranet’s homepage.

  • Access the list named Job advertisements. Here you need to enter the various advertisements you want to view one by one.

  • Click on New and a window will open with fields to be filled in.

  • Fill in the following fields:

  • Title: in this field you need to enter the title of the advertisement you want to create, which corresponds to the job title. As you can see from the asterisk, it is mandatory to fill in this field.

  • Description: enter the description of the role the candidate will be filling in the position.

  • Start date: enter the date you wish to indicate as the start date of the job position you are offering. This date can coincide either with the first day of work for the position offered or with the opening day of the advertisement.

  • Expiration date: this date coincides with the closing day of the advertisement. After this day, the advertisement will automatically disappear. It is an option that you may not fill in, but it is strictly recommended that you do not delete this field, as the process to reconfigure it is complicated and requires our intervention.

  • Working schedule: enter the expected working hours for the offered position.

  • Salary: enter the salary offered for the position.

  • Holidays: enter if any holidays are planned for the position offered.

  • Benefits: enter the benefits provided for the position offered.

  • Experience: enter the experience the candidate should have in order to fit the profile you are looking for.

  • Skills: it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the soft skills that fall within the parameters of the job offer.

In this case, the tags visible on the side are used to enter data. Simply click on the label and a list appears from which you can select options.

  • Academic degree: as in Skills, it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the Academic degree required to apply for the offer.

  • Disciplinary area: as in Skills, it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the disciplinary area in the company where the position offered belongs.

  • Contract type: as in Skills, it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the type of contract offered for the position.

  • Languages: as in Skills, it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the languages required for the position.

  • Relocation: flag this option if the position offered requires the candidate to be transferred.

  • Workplace: specify the place of work where the candidate will have to go.

  • Technical skills: as in Skills, it is necessary to click on the label on the right and enter the technical skills required for the position offered.

  • Require CV: flag this option if the position offered requires the candidate to upload his resume. It is strictly recommended that you do not delete this field, as the process to reconfigure it is complicated and requires our intervention.

  • Attachments: attachments can be added if necessary.

  • Save: remember to save at the end.

The Job Applications list

This list contains the fields the candidate will have to fill in to submit a job application. While configuring the Job Posting web part, you need to choose the fields you want to include in the application form, as explained in the sub-section titled Job application settings. To apply for a job, the candidate needs to click on the Apply button and insert the required information. The fields available on the list are described below:

  • Title: this field will be automatically filled out with the job position the candidate is applying for.

  • Username: this field will be automatically filled out with the candidate’s username.

  • Name: in this field, you ask the candidate to enter his/her name.

  • Hire date: in this field, you ask the candidate to enter the hire date of his/her current position.

  • Current role: in this field, you ask the candidate to specify his/her current role.

  • Skills: in this field, you ask the candidate to select his/her skills by choosing from the tag list.

  • Application reason: in this section, you ask the candidate what his/her reasons are for applying for the position.

  • Experience: in this section, you ask the candidate about his/her work experience.

  • Academic degree: in this section, you ask the candidate to specify his/her level of education by choosing from the tag list.

  • Languages: in this section, you ask the candidate to specify which languages he/she knows by choosing from the tag list.

  • Technical skills: in this section, you ask the candidate to specify his/her technical skills by choosing from the tag list.

  • Interests: in this section, you ask the candidate what his/her interests are.

  • Disciplinary area: in this field, you ask for the disciplinary area of the company to which the candidate's current position belongs.

  • Relocation: in this field, you ask the candidate if he/she is willing to move.

  • Job ID: this field will be automatically filled out with the ID of the job the candidate is applying for.

  • Attachments: this field corresponds to the option that allows the candidate to attach his/her CV to the application form. As explained above, this option has to be enabled while configuring the Job Posting web part.

  • Save: remember to save at the end.

Here are two examples of how the job advertisement and job application parts are displayed on the page:

Configure the Job Applications list

The Job Applications list requires a specific configuration so that users can interact with the list and apply for positions. To learn how to configure this list, read the dedicated guide. In particular, please refer to the First type of configuration section.

Last updated